Spoke Art NYC & Bob's Burgers
Look at that! another post about Bob's Burgers!
Over the weekend I went to the Spoke Art Gallery in NYC to check out a Bob's Burgers exhibit. Spoke art describes the exhibit as being "Comprised of original painting and sculpture as well as a multitude of limited edition prints, Bob’s Burgers is a wide-ranging display of artistry from all over the world. Exhibiting a host of different styles and talents, each work expresses the fun and comical influence of the show. "
Image courtesy of Spoke Art NYC
Image courtesy of Spoke Art NYC
I've became a HUGE Bob's Burgers fan a bit more than a year ago thanks to a coworker at my former job. He introduced me to this iconic show. At first I was unsure as to if the gallery was going to be art from the show or artwork from the artists who contribute to the show. As of now I'm still a little unsure. I'll classify it as really fun, energetic and impressive fan art. There were more than a few I dreamt of one day purchasing. A few artists had prints available for sale. According to the Spoke Art site however, most if not all of them are sold out. They did list all of the contributing artists so if you're like me you can follow them and see what else they may have for sale. All in all this was a refreshing exhibit that catered to the Bob's Burger fanatic that I'm growingly becoming.
The exhibit opened on Saturday Sept 24th and will run through Sunday Oct 16 so be sure to check it out if you'll be in town or have the time. It's free and if you're a fan of the show I do not know why you wouldn't go.